Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Condi hits the news

So ABC finally put together a story on Condi Rice, connecting her to torture, like we haven't known about this for what, a couple of years? ( or I suppose that we should be "happy" that it's better late than never, but for Pete's sake, what about the prez and the closet prez??? How can Jim Dean in good conscience holler about Condi and not look at her bosses? Somehow this is assbackwards. Keep us signing petitions to get rid of her, all the while keeping our minds off the economy, Iraq and the very most important issue that we face, Climate Change.

Take a look at these articles from yesterday to gain a better understanding of what we should be reading about.

Economists Debate Link Between War, Credit Crisis

By Jonathan WeismanWashington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, April 15, 2008; Page A03

On the Economy, 70% Disapprove of Bush

By Jon CohenWashington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, April 15, 2008; Page A04

Biofuel: the burning question

The production of biofuel is devastating huge swathes of the world's environment. So why on earth is the Government forcing us to use more of it?

By Cahal MilmoTuesday, 15 April 2008

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