Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Being a liberal - a moral commitment

From teacherken at DailyKos

Too often we shy away from labels because they are used to demonize. But to me the word liberal should be reclaimed, as a proud banner, of a tradition of caring and commitment beyond one's immediate needs, one's kith and kin, one's social class. one's religion, one's ethnicity.

I do not condemn those whose orientation is different than mine. I seek to find common ground where we can come together for the greater good.

But I will not shy away from asserting my own beliefs. I am a human being who sees myself not so much in opposition to others as I do in sharing a common world, a common heritage, a common future, which means that we must find some commonality in how we work to ensure that future.

And so I give my reasons, make my explanations. I view the label as explanatory, but as more. It is a moral commitment.

I am a liberal.


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